New! Chamomile Soap


Chamomile Soap is perfect for sensitive skin, soothes irritated skin, calms down inflammation, helps minor cuts, burns, sunburns, and is antibacterial, and great for acne and breakouts. Chamomile also gives a natural glow and helps brighten up scars.

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Chamomile Soap is perfect for sensitive skin, soothes irritated skin, calms down inflammation, helps minor cuts, burns, sunburns, and is antibacterial, and is great for acne and breakouts. Chamomile also gives a natural glow and helps brighten up scars.


  1. Alleviates redness: “Chamomile placates redness because of its anti-inflammatory properties. Redness is a side-effect of underlying inflammation. If an ingredient is anti-inflammatory, [the] skin is soothed, less red, and less irritated,” explains Dr. Engelman.

2. Soothes sensitive skin: “There is basic science research showing that chamomile helps block signals in the body known as prostaglandins, which are responsible for inflammation. This makes chamomile a great ingredient for people with sensitive skin and inflammatory conditions like rosacea,” says Dr. Zeichner.

3. Relieves inflammation: “Because chamomile has anti-inflammatory properties, it helps to protect against long-term and short-term skin inflammation. [Specifically], in the case of sunburns, it helps reduce DNA damage caused by too much UV exposure. This is why a cold compress of brewed chamomile tea placed on the sunburn can aid in a quicker recovery,” adds Dr. Engelman.

4. Decreases signs of aging: Chamomile has long been used for medicinal purposes thanks to its abundance of flavonoids and phytochemicals. These nutrients fight against harmful free radicals and speed up cell regeneration, improving the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and scars.

Coconut Oil, Shea Butter, Chamomile Scent, Distilled Water.

Keep soap dry between uses.

Our soaps may be slightly different in design and color. However, the ingredients remain the same.

Do not ingest or use it other than intended. Use on a small area of skin first, If you experience itching, burning, or rash sensation, immediately discontinue use and consult a physician.

Keep out of the reach of small children and pets.

Additional information

Weight 3.8 oz


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