About TheNaturalSoaps...

My vision.
It is to be a company capable of changing the mindset of humans to consume natural products that contribute to their health and the environment by producing 100% natural products with unique details, shapes, and colors that distinguish us from other companies.
My mission.
We are a company dedicated to the production of handmade soaps with therapeutic benefits that contribute to the well-being of our skin, giving a sensation of hydration, softness, and freshness when using our products.
What I do?
I made natural soaps because I believe in the benefits of using natural products for the skin and for the environment by using organic products free of chemicals.
How do I do it?
The production of my soaps is 100% handmade. I am passionate about the technique of fusing the magic of nature with its plants, seeds, and oils that are unique for their power in aromatherapy, resulting in soap bars with special shapes and colors, loaded with many benefits to improve the appearance and health of the skin of the whole family.
I am convinced that when we generate new proposals, we can achieve changes; it is a way of contributing to the new generations a different vision that makes them reflect on the importance of taking care of the environment by using natural products.
What’s my motivation?
When I make soaps or any natural products in my workshop, I am inspired by my family, my friends, and every being that I am sure will receive a gift from nature with countless benefits for the appearance and health of their skin once they have it in their hands.
Follow your Dreams
If you have a goal, and you want to achieve it, then work hard and do everything you can to get there, and one day it will come true. - Lindsey Vonn
Inspiration comes from within yourself. One has to be positive. When you’re positive, good things happen. - Deep R.
Work Hard
No matter how hard you work, someone else is working harder. - Elon Musk

Never Give Up your dreams
keep trying, even when everything looks dark. Remember, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.